Home Office
Home Office is a office supply and office needs company for people who work from home. They work with companies and employees to get offices set up and running out of the employee's home.
I worked on Branding Guidelines for them. I created a logo, color scheme, company font choices, and worked on their Brand Guidebook.

The Process
I started the design process with a creative brief about what came to be Home Office. We explored the background of the company, target market, competitors, what makes Home Office unique, and what benefits it provides.
Once that was thought out, I created a word map and mood boards looking a different office supplies, signs, competitors in the market, color schemes, and text styles. This allowed us to see what we were working with and what styles would work for the brand.

Then I began to sketch out different styles for the logo and ideas for icons we could use. The original name was Minus the Commute, but after playing with different logos and seeing what worked, the name was changed the name to Home Office.

Digitizing the Logo
Once I got an idea of the styles and logo types to focus on, I digitized and worked on the logo. I tinkered with several different versions, worked with different angles of the house roof, added a door, adjusted the layout of different elements, and fine tuned the font to come up with the final design.

Design Elements
From there, we started looking at how to use the brand the different design elements in the logo. We wanted to incorporate the triangle over the H in various ways to make everything feel cohesive.

When working on the Brand Guideline booklet, I wanted to push the triangle even more. I created a pattern using the triangle design element and the color scheme to go into the Brand book. This was a pattern that could be used in other marketing material as needed.

What Worked...and Didn't
I evaluated different ways to use the brand and found some things that would work, and things that wouldn't.

Brand Examples
Overall, it turned out to be a fun logo that really helped push the brand forward and beautiful Brand Guideline booklet.