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Sunburst Creativescapes

Sunburst Creativescapes is a landscaping and lawn service company. I use them personally and thought they would be a good company to do a brand refresh on. I worked on their logo, website, business cards, and other branded items for them.

The Process

I started the design process with a creative brief about Sunburst Creative Scapes. We explored the background of the company, target market, competitors, and where Sunburst Creativescapes excels.

Once that was thought out, I researched what they currently have, where we wanted to go with the brand, and what competitors were doing with their websites.

Screen Shot 2023-04-18 at 11.29.31 AM.png
Website Research Board Sunburst.jpg
Screen Shot 2023-04-18 at 11.29.42 AM.png


I then began sketching logos and laying out a wireframe. We wanted to bring in elements of nature and really show off the beautiful landscaping photos on the website.


From there, I began to digitize the logos. I played with some of the color palettes, but settled on a regular green and white color scheme.


With the website, I wanted to show off beautiful landscaping and work done by Sunburst Creativscapes. 

SBC Website - Draft 3.png

Business Cards

For the business cards, I wanted to break up the color with the beautiful logo design. You can also see the logo pattern in the car wrap and the yard sign.

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