ACC Black Box Theatre Logo

ACC Black Box Theatre is a theater on campus which hosts several shows, panels, and other events through out the year. While working for the ACC Drama Department as one of their interns, I was creating fliers for events in this location. A suggestion was made to create a logo to give the theater more of a brand.
I started the design process with some research on what other Black Box Theatres did for their logos and dove into sketching. I thought out different way I could incorporate a Black Box into the logo.

From there, I began to digitize some of the favorite the logo ideas. I played with fonts, angles, and shading. Being that it's the BLACK Box Theatre, using a black and white/transparent would be the color scheme for this logo.

Putting it to Use
Once I created the logo, I was able to put it to use right away. At the end of each semester, the ACC Drama Department showcases work done by students. They call the event the Curtain Call. I created the flyer for the Fall 2022 Semester Curtain Call event. This flyer was formatted in various ways for large posters, letter size posters, Instagram, and Facebook. These flyers could be found around campus, on the ACC Drama Department Social Media pages. They still use the Black Box Theatre logo today in their advertisements.

11" x 17" poster

Facebook Banner Graphic

8" x 11" poster

Square Graphic